An organizational leader may find it necessary to change how the organisation operates to accommodate changing priorities, initiate new projects and programs, work around reducing budgets to enhance organizational effectiveness.
A successful reorganization requires preparation, planning and communication to ensure that employees, clients, and partners know what is happening, why it is happening, and how it affects them. This is critical to successful organizational change.
Cornucopia works with the leadership team to gain an understanding of the industry, the market dynamics and the need for restructuring and eliminating redundancies. We provide solutions with a humane approach that lead to organisational effectiveness and at the same time, balance the employees’ interests.
Change Management
When organizations undertake projects or initiatives to improve performance, acquire new businesses or merge with other organisations or address key issues, they often require changes to processes, job roles, organizational structures and technology. However, it is eventually the employees of the organization who have to adapt to the change. If employees are willing to embrace change or are unsuccessful in making personal transitions and don’t learn a new way of working, the initiative will fail. If employees embrace and adopt changes required by the initiative, it will deliver the expected results.
Cornucopia has done a lot of work in the change management space, especially in connection with mergers and acquisitions. We help design communication regarding the change and develop employee engagement initiatives that enable employees appreciate the need for change and help them make the transition. Cornucopia also provides support in the transition of HR processes during mergers and acquisitions.
Succession Planning
The millennials form the majority of the workforce today – which means that this special group will be taking over the leadership positions in the organisation. Therefore, organizations have to adapt succession planning to match the new requirements. Millennials are a different breed of employees – they are driven by the need for growth, learning and continuous development. They are a demanding set, highly tech savvy and expect to receive feedback on a real-time basis.
Organisations that are able to understand and adapt their succession planning process will be able to build a leadership pipeline to meet future business needs and challenges.
Cornucopia has a two prong approach – for the organisation as well as the individual by (1) providing solutions that enable the organisation take steps to identify the high potentials and (2) facilitating millennials to hone their skills and prepare them to take on leadership positions.
Compensation & Benefits
With millennials forming the majority of the work force, companies need to rethink their compensation and benefits philosophy and strategies. Smart employers know that keeping quality employees requires providing the right compensation and benefits package. A good robust compensation system is one that has a balanced approach in attracting and retaining talent and at the same time is cost effective for the organisation.
Cornucopia customizes the compensation and benefits philosophy and structure for organizations. Cornucopia benchmarks the compensation and benefits with the market/industry practices and recommends the appropriate compensation and benefits structure to the organisation, keeping in mind the tax structure, compliance etc. These are practical and implementable solutions that bring about transparency and fairness to the entire process.
Talent Strategy
Job evaluation is a process of determining the relative worth of a job. Job Evaluation does not rate the person in the job but the job role. It is a process which is helpful for framing compensation plans. Job evaluation helps in reducing the anomalies in the salary structure by maintaining internal equity and external parity, the worth of new jobs can be determined and brings about a balance in salary differentials.
Our consultants are experienced in conducting a job evaluation process based on Cornucopia’s job evaluation system which considers parameters like knowledge, complexity and responsibilities of the job. As part of the job evaluation process, we also helped define compensation structures and benefits to bring about internal equity and reduction in anomalies in the salary structure, resulting in a fair and balanced approach.
Competency Framework
A competency framework is a valid and measurable list of the knowledge, skills and attributes (KSA) that are required to perform successfully in a job. They act as guidelines of the behaviors that would result in outstanding performance for each job role. They also become parameters for assessing if candidates fit the competencies critical for your organisation.
Our assessors will help create a competency framework which would help build organisational capability. The behaviours for the competencies will be defined with appropriate rating scales. This competency framework will become the foundation for hiring the right candidates as well as developing employees to take on larger roles and responsibilities and enable their self development.
Differentiating employees based on their performance has always been an uphill task within organizations. How does one differentiate between the results and the efforts of an employee’s performance? Deciding who needs to stay and who to let go – a high performer who grew the business, but does not believe in the organizational values; or the one who lives the values but struggled in meeting his targets?
We help organizations in identifying high potential employees based on their performance and potential using the 9 Box Grid. This helps organizations to plan their reward & recognition schemes. It also helps define employee retention and development plans based on the differentiation.